

There are stories we tell to one-up each other, and then there is this blog. Read wondrous tales of strange creatures, explore the depths of human indecency, and hopefully laugh a little as we find out what could possibly make people do what they do.



I tried pretty hard this year to get back into shape. For the most part, it worked. Until, it didn’t.

By no means am I saying I’m ballooning to my post New Orleans food fest, but I am tired of working out. So, I haven’t been. Between doing 100 things for 30 days for months on end, or new workout plans perfecting peaches, plus a split-stretching routine, and also trying intermittent fasting for as long as I could, I am tired.

Everything is tired.

I made it through a dry ‘Rest of July’ only to … not do anything soon after. I mean, I did get buzzed off of three Modelos, so, I guess it worked to reset some tolerance levels.

And now, I’m still not interested in working out. I might go back on the app, and I might not. Ever since the bar transitioning from serving drinks to serving food and drinks, there’s no longer a need to be the biggest guy in the room. I don’t want to touch people during this pandemic. I just want to sit down, drink my juice, and read my books.

Now that I’m writing this I don’t think my issue isn’t that working out too much made me tired, but rather I became even more of an old man that I already was.

2021 EDIT: All of this was COVID related

Repaying My Fat Tax

Repaying My Fat Tax

A Dry Rest of July

A Dry Rest of July